Make an Appointment: 253-525-2424 |

Reclaim Your Relationship to Sex!

Sex Therapist Serving Women in Gig Harbor, Tacoma, and Seattle, WA.

I am now accepting NEW Brave Women who are ready to find healing, safety, embodiment, and connection in their bodies and sexual experiences.

Results You Can Expect from Our Work Together

Reclaim Your Sexuality

Find confidence in your sexuality and the intimacy, pleasure, eroticism, and satisfaction you are searching for!

Live Your Embodied Life

Reclaim the safety to fully live in your body and be present in your life and relationships. Shed the fear to be the you that you are called to be.

Enjoy Fulfilling Relationships

Learn what you want, how to ask for what you need, hold healthy boundaries, and find the courage to be vulnerable in your relationships.

Welcome to the Sacred Sex Lifeline!

Sex has become an obstacle in your life that is preventing you from feeling happy and fulfilled.

Struggling with sex leaves you feeling frustrated, unsatisfied, and alone.

Sex has become synonymous with pressure and anxiety and you find it hard to get out of your head and into your body. 

Due to lack of connection, you and your partner just cannot get on the same page and your communication is not effective.

You may feel as though you and your partner have become roommates instead of lovers and are struggling to find a way back to connection and intimacy.

Sex feels like a chore at the end of your never ending to do list.

You may have a hard time asking for the things you want and need in your relationship(s) or setting appropriate boundaries.

You do not feel seen, heard, or appreciated.

You may feel pain during sex and this prevents you from wanting to engage in it with a partner or even yourself.

You may have past trauma that is influencing your ability to stay present during sex and find the pleasure and connection you are seeking.

You feel shame and frustration around your lack of sexual pleasure and satisfaction.

You deserve to have the sex you want and desire!

The Good News

Imagine you are having the sex you want to have and feel desire and passion again.

Imagine you feel safe to be in your body and know how to communicate your needs and desires.

Imagine you know who you are as a sexual being and have discovered intimacy, pleasure, eroticism, and satisfaction in yourself and your relationships.

How I can Help…

As a therapist who specializes in working with relationships and sex, I strive to empower my clients to look inside themselves and reclaim the self and the sex that they deserve and desire.

I encourage my clients to look at the barriers that have been created, either internally or externally, keeping them from having the sex and relationships they want and then use tools to help them get from where they are to where they want to be.

I encourage you to browse my website and read my areas of focus in sex therapy and online therapy to learn more about my specialties and how I can help you achieve your individual goals.

Your Satisfaction and Pleasure is Waiting!

If you have any specific questions or are ready to get started please contact me by clicking on the button below and scheduling your FREE 30-minute video consultation.

“Instead of looking to the other to meet your needs, if you want to reignite your love life, you must take on the responsibility of your own desire.”

- Esther Perel -

About Me

When thinking about the population of clients I wanted to work with, I chose to work with sex therapy clients because relationships are at the core of how I believe we as humans find joy and meaning in life. I want every one of my clients to create healthy, pleasurable, vulnerable, ethical, and satisfying sexual experiences no matter what the relationship structure.

If You're Ready to...

  • • Honor Your Body and Needs 
  • • Cultivate Desire and Pleasure
  • • and have the Sex you have always wanted

…Then let’s chat!

"Sex is not just about the end result, it's about the journey and the exploration."

- Dr. Ruth Westheimer -

Her On Top Podcast

"Sex is one of the main ways women connect to the divine" - Sarah Jenks and Kate Northrup

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