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Online Therapy – Gig Harbor

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You are a parent that is searching for ways to find that connection to yourself and your partner again after baby, but leaving the house for therapy means you would need to find childcare.

You are struggling with sex and intimacy, but seeing someone in person to talk about this seems like too big of barrier. You want something that is a little more discrete and private.

There is ONE amazing solution to all of these problems… ONLINE THERAPY!

Imagine a world where we all have connecting devices, such as mobile phones, computers, tablets, or iPads and can use secure software that allows us to video call each other, where we can see each other’s faces and hear each other’s voices!

OH WAIT…we do live in that world!

Now imagine using that software to connect with your therapist when it is convenient for you.

Awesome right?

Imagine being able to check in with someone who cares and wants to be a support system to you, without feeling like a burden, in the comfort of your own home, in your car, or in your office at work…as long as it is a confidential space.

Imagine being able to schedule a quick session with your therapist in between business meetings.

Imagine taking some time to care for yourself. Taking some time just for you to get the support you need, without needing to drive anywhere.

What is Online Therapy?

Online Therapy, or Telehealth, has been around for a long time in various fields and has had many uses, but has recently become increasingly more popular in the medical and mental health fields. 

Online Therapy can take place on various mediums such as phone, email, secure messaging, video, and sometimes virtual reality with avatars. Cool right??

Most therapists however, typically use video or phone mediums to connect with their clients that cannot come into the office for therapy.

I personally use primarily video for my Online Therapy sessions, and only resort to using the phone if our video connection breaks down to the point of no repair.

Online Therapy allows for clients to stay connected and get therapy services even when they do not live in the same city as their therapist, cannot come into the therapist's office easily during the day, or have some curve balls thrown at them... such as the occasional snow storm or a sick kiddo!

How Does This Work?

I use an extremely user friendly and HIPAA compliant platform for all my booking, notes, payment, and Online Therapy services called Simple Practice.

When you set up a consultation with me, I will create a temporary file for you in my system, so that I can schedule a video call with you. You will get a link in your email to click on in order to join the call. Once you click the link, it will open up a new window were you will test your video and audio settings before clicking Join Video Call.

This is a great way for me to get to know you a little bit and for you to be able to experience what it would be like to do Online Therapy sessions before even choosing me as your therapist.

If you decide that you would like to schedule an intake, you will be sent all the necessary forms that you need to sign through the client portal.

Because Online Therapy means that I do not have direct contact with you, you will get a special consent form for Online Therapy and an emergency form that asks you to locate all the necessary emergency or crisis resources in your area. Writing out what you would do in a crisis situation is very important to ensure your safety when using Online Therapy services.

If you are using your phone, you just have to download the Telehealth by Simple Practice app and it will open when you click the link sent to you in the text message.

I will provide you with a handy guide Simple Practice has put together for clients that answers all the ‘How To’ questions and gives good tips for making sure your space is confidential, how to have good lighting, and how to make sure your connection is strong.

Sessions are just like if you were to Skype or FaceTime someone and they last for the full length of an in person session.

Is Online Therapy Confidential and Secure?

Absolutely! Simple Practice’s platform is HIPAA compliant and our sessions will never be recorded. Simple Practice and myself would also never sell your data to other companies for advertisement purposes as some other online therapy platforms have been found to do.

How do I Pay You for an Online Therapy Session?

Another beauty of Simple Practice is the online billing. When you fill out all your paperwork before your intake appointment, you will receive a credit card form where you enter your credit card information and it is then stored in your file. Before we officially start our session, I will make sure I have the right card on file and it will be charged the full amount at the beginning of the session.

Is Online Therapy as Good as in Person Therapy?

Yes... its just a bit different. There have been lots of studies showing the effectiveness of Online Therapy and how people can be treated through video sessions for many different issues. Online Therapy is amazing for convenience and I have had great success with clients that I had previously seen in person as well as with new clients that I began therapy with online.

Online Therapy does have some different challenges that we have to navigate from what you would experience in person, but it is my job to walk you through those challenges and try to collectively make our online space the same safe space as you would have in my office.

Can I do Online Therapy if I am in a Different State?

Unfortunately, I cannot do Online Therapy if you are a resident in another state due to only being licensed to practice in Washington State.

Can I see you in person?

Absolutely! Online Therapy is now a permanent part of my practice, but I also am more than happy to see you in person as well if you are able to come to my office in Gig Harbor.  Online Therapy is just a medium for how we can do therapy, so if you would like to switch to in-person sessions or have a combination of in-person and online sessions, I am definitely on board. I will be offering in-person sessions on Fridays each week, beginning in April 2023.

What are the benefits?

Overall, Online Therapy is an amazing technological tool that we now have at our disposal and it is being utilized in so many different ways, especially now post pandemic!

It allows us to continue to stay connected even when there are challenges to seeing each other in person.

It allows for people to be seen anywhere at whatever time may be more convenient.

It allows for emergencies, such as being sick or your kiddo getting sick, to not keep you or I from making it to our appointment together.

It allows for parents to stay at home and not have to get child care while still being able to access therapy services.

It allows for you to have more options for providers that are not in the same city as you.

Questions You May Have

Next Steps

If you are looking to engage in therapy but have some barriers to getting to a therapist's office for in-person sessions, Online Therapy may be the right fit for you.

If you would like to schedule a FREE 30 minute video consultation to talk about how I can help you achieve the sex and relationship you deserve and desire, please click the button below!