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Kayla Moore, MS, LMFT

Empowering Renegade Women to Reclaim their Full Embodied Selves and Experience Connection, Pleasure, and Satisfaction in their Sexual Experiences and Relationships.

My Mission

I understand how challenging living in this world of ours is. We live in a society that has erased the sacred feminine for hundreds of years and has taught women that we are vulnerable, weak, and underserving of power or pleasure. Women have been taught to hide parts ourselves in order to fit in or to disassociate from our bodies and power all together. Women have been taught to put others first and leave little to no time to take care of ourselves and listen to the wants and needs of our bodies and souls. This leaves many of us struggling to find purpose or even struggling to even maintain our equilibrium. Many of the women I have worked with, myself included, struggle with anxiety, depression, perfectionism, negative body image, disordered eating, auto-immune diseases, etc. What if many of these problems stem from living in a society where it has not been safe to be our full embodied selves and this leaves us to cope in unhealthy ways. The narratives we have been steeped in may also way so heavily on our bodies that they begin to destroy themselves. The hate and fear of our power runs deep in our culture and DNA and we have internalized so many of these messages to the detriment of our mental and physical health. 

Sex is no different. Sex and sensuality is how ancient sacred women connected to the divine. No matter what you believe, women still hold a sacred connection and deep internal healing powers when they are fully aligned and embrace their pleasure. The patriarchy and society at large have told women that pleasure is dangerous or sinful because those in power are afraid of what women can do when they allow themselves to feel fully embodied and are not ashamed of owning their pleasure. Many women continue to feel ashamed of themselves, their own sexual needs or desires, and do not have the tools or comfortability to understand for themselves what they like and dislike so they can then communicate that to their partners.

Many of the clients I work with struggle to know what their true desires are and to make their desires and needs a priority instead of always catering to everyone else first. Many of my clients struggle to express themselves sexually and think of themselves as sexual beings. 

I am here to tell you that you can find safety, vulnerability, connection, and pleasure in your sexual experiences and relationships.

My goal is to empower my clients to dig deep into themselves and understand what it is they want out of their relationships and sex and how to fully live out those desires. I truly believe that when we are able to connect ourselves to our bodies and create the safety and comfort to communicate effectively the things we need and want, there is usually a path forward we ignored because we did not think it was possible.

My Journey

When thinking about the population of clients I wanted to work with, I chose to work with sex therapy clients because relationships are at the core of how I believe we as humans find joy and meaning in life.

Since I was a young girl, I always dreamed of having the family I did not have growing up. My childhood had many privileges and joys but having two parents that loved each other was not one of them. My parents split up when I was six years old and after that point, my dad was no longer in my life on a day to day basis. I struggled for years about whether or not I was worthy of love and if their relationship ending had been my fault. Though I know I am completely worthy of love now, it has been a long journey to get there. In my first relationships, I began taking any affection I could get until I finally decided I was not going to settle and really put out into the world the kind of relationship I wanted.

I believe the interest and passion for working with people on sexuality and pleasure in part stems from me being raised by a single mother, going to an all-girls high school, and having many strong female role models in my life that taught me it was ok to explore and talk about things that not everyone talks about. Having reminisced on my relationship with my mom while recording my podcast, I have learned that she really instilled many important values in me about sex and sexuality from a young age. 

With all of that as my early background, a feminist was born and I minored in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies in college. When I learned in grad school that I could become a sex therapist, my eyes widened and I said, “Yep! That’s what I want to do!”

Since then, I have so enjoyed working with clients on how to navigate this world that is progressive, but still very tight-lipped and squeamish around sex, sexuality, relationships, and the fluidity that is becoming more accepted around all identities. 

I particularly love working with women on how to fully embrace their sexuality and embody the power, wisdom, tenderness, and strength that is uniquely part of us being creators of life. When there is equality in everyone feeling as though sex is for them, relationships become stronger, more connected, and satisfying.  

Why I Do What I Do

The best thing about being a therapist for me is really the collaborative process that happens in the therapeutic relationship. I think clients are surprised to discover how much I learn from my work with them. I have learned so much about myself and about the world we live in because of the stories I hear from my clients. These stories then begin to weave into the fabric of my work.

As I learn more about myself, I continue my journey in living more embodied and can share those insights with clients. The insights and solutions clients discover for their own lives and relationships I then take and use as examples for other clients who are trying to do the same (all done in a confidential way of course). I definitely can relate to the stories my clients share because, for the most part, I have been there. We are all together learning and redefining what it means to be in healthy, long lasting relationships and engage unapologetically in our sexuality.

There are so many norms we are taught about sex and relationships. I relish breaking down those barriers and supporting clients as they explore what these norms mean for them.

Figuring out what is toxic and needs to be thrown out or what is vital and needs some time to grow is exciting and fulfilling. I enjoy seeing the journeys that my clients take. I want every one of my clients to create healthy, pleasurable, vulnerable, ethical, and satisfying sexual experiences and relationships no matter what the relationship structure.

Fun Things About Me

  1. I am homegrown, born and raised in the greater Seattle area and I would never want to live anywhere else other than the PNW. I love the rain, the doom and gloom, and the sun that comes with the changing seasons.
  2. I love to sing and dance! I recently started doing voice lessons again and it has felt amazing to bring this passion back into my life. 
  3. I am obsessed with my son! He is one of the best joys of my life. Becoming a new Mom has been a crazy ride so far but I am so grateful to watch this little human I created grow into the little person he will become.
  4. I am also a dog mom. I love taking both my son and my dog out for walks and watching them play tug of war together.
  5. I am very much an introvert that loves recharging my battery under a cozy blanket, in sweats, with one of my favorite mugs, drinking tea, and watching a good show or movie.
  6. I’m a foodie. My husband and I love to try new restaurants and taste the cuisine of different cultures. I believe one of the best ways to begin learning about a different culture is to eat their food.
  7. I have an auto-immune disease that I have to maintain every day. Being a foodie is not as easy anymore due to having to adhere to a Low-Fod Map diet. If you know, you know! 🙂
  8. I am very silly and goofy and have always been my best audience at times when no one else will laugh at my jokes.
  9. I’m also awkward and shy in big groups of people and prefer to just hang back and observe.
  10. Though I am no yogi by any means, I have found enjoyment and stillness in yoga that helps me connect to myself and manage stress.

Why Work With Me?

  • I am experiencing life just as you are and I’m here to share in the struggle with you, while also sharing my experiences and the experiences of others to collaboratively guide you through what is going to work best for you!
  • I work hard to bring my full self to the table, goofiness and all, in order to create a real, relatable experience, and professional relationship with you. No more laying on a couch, not making eye contact with your therapist, and analyzing your dreams.
  • I have immersed myself in the sacred feminine work and I want to bring elements of the sacred feminine into my work with clients. 
  • I am one of very few therapists that have decided sex and sex education for individuals, couples, and other types of relationships is a passion! I am committed to breaking down the cultural barrier around sex and sexuality being something we should not talk about or embrace as extremely important and vital parts of life and experience.
  • I am friendly and inclusive of all diverse identities. I have had training in working with people who identify with the LGBTQIA+ communities, Kink communities, BDSM communities, and Polyamorous communities. I also acknowledge privilege in dominant identities. I understand the power dynamics that are present when it comes to the privilege and power society grants to those who fall within the dominant narrative and how this also creates discrimination and disempowerment to those of minority identities.
  • I provide Online Therapy (Telehealth) to make it more convenient for you if coming to the office on a regular basis is not an option. It also allows us to stay in touch with each other, even if the weather or sickness may prevent you or me from getting to the office.
  • Now post-pandemic, I am offering In-Person therapy. Many therapists have decided to stick to the convenience of Telehealth, post-pandemic. Though I still utilize Telehealth, I enjoy getting to see people in person again and having more of an authentic in person connection. 

If you have made it to the end of this page and are still with me, I think we would probably be a pretty good fit to work together!

My Background…The Nitty Gritty

For those of you who are interested in my credentials, this part is for you.

Professional License

I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of Washington (LF60995323)

  • I went to Western Washington University and received my Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology in 2015.
  • From there, I went straight into graduate school at Seattle Pacific University and received a Masters of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy in 2017.
Work Experience
  • All through grad school I worked at a community mental health agency, Nexus Youth and Families, in Auburn, WA. I worked primarily with children, adolescents, and families around crisis management, abuse, neglect, domestic violence, behavioral problems, grief, depression, anxiety, transitions, PTSD, and emotional attunement/regulation.
  • I was offered a job at this agency when I graduated and worked there until the beginning of 2018.
  • For two years, I then worked with mainly adults, couples, and some adolescents at a group private practice, Acuity Counseling, in Seattle, Bellevue, and Woodinville, WA. I specialized in working with people around building healthy relationships, grieving the loss of relationships, exploring identity, managing stress and anxiety, reducing and recovering from depression, understanding consent and sexuality, and building healthy sexual relationships.
  • In grad school, I was trained in the theory of Narrative Therapy, which is all about the stories we tell ourselves about our lives and our relationships and how those are influenced by society, our environment, our family’s stories, and our peers’ stories.
  • I take many continued education courses in working towards my sex therapy certification and in compliance with my state license requirements.  
  • Courses taken through the Northwest Institute on Intimacy in Seattle: 
    • Sexual Attitude Reassessment (SAR)
    • Advanced Clinical Sexology
Professional Affiliations

I am a member of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT), the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT), and the Washington Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (WAMFT).

Let's start working together!