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Sex Therapy

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Reasons Why Women Seek Sex Therapy in Gig Harbor, WA

Sex has become synonymous with pressure and anxiety.

Your desire for sex is low or non-existent and you want to feel more connected to your body and sensuality. 

Sex may have dwindled from what it used to be in your long term relationship and you feel like you are the problem and need to fix it. 

Sex may be painful and you have fallen into a pattern of avoidance due to the fear of experiencing pain each time.

You have experienced sexual trauma that has led to your body feeling unsafe to experience pleasure with yourself and with your partner. 

Maybe you learned growing up that sex in general is shameful or something to be avoided until marriage and these beliefs have made connecting to your sexuality and creating intimate relationships difficult.

Maybe you are having problems with your anatomy, such as problems reaching orgasm or lack of lubrication, and this has caused a lack of self-confidence as well as conflict in your relationships.

You may have deep insecurities about your body, your identities, or your own sexual history that are impeding on you being able to find fulfillment in yourself and your intimate relationships.

Perhaps exploring polyamory, Kink, and/or BDSM is something you have been interested in and you are seeking community and non-judgmental guidance.

Whatever you are experiencing…

You deserve to have the sex and intimacy you desire.

You deserve to experience pleasure and satisfaction without pain, anxiety, or shame.

You deserve to know that you are NORMAL!

Let’s Look To the Future

Imagine being able to confidently approach sex within yourself and feeling confident in your sexual preferences or identities.

Imagine being able to work through the anxieties and shame around sex to have a more fulfilling sex life.

Imagine experiencing pleasure instead of pain during sex and getting to enjoy the sensations of pleasure in your body.

Imagine connecting so deeply with yourself that you are able to accept yourself as a sexual and divine being. 

This is all possible!

How Does Sex Therapy Work?

As a therapist who focuses on sex and sacred feminine healing, I work with people who identify as women, focusing on the barriers that have been placed in your way to you being able to fully embrace and embody your sexuality. 

I often begin by helping each person tell the story of their own sexual history and what their thoughts and beliefs are around sex and sexuality. We then will discuss how this sexual history could have progressed into the obstacles you are currently facing.

From there, we will work together on achieving your specific goals through shifting mindsets, updating the nervous system, discussing how society and the culture you grew up in portrayed sex, increasing self-confidence, body exploration, exploration of identity, exercises to help you decrease pain or find new ways to experience pleasure, exercises to manage anxiety during sex, etc.

I want to help my clients paint the picture of what their ideal sex  and soul life would look like, and then use tools, skills, and sacred healing practices to get you to that desired point.

Specific Goals That May Be Achieved

  • Decreasing pressure, stress, and anxiety around sex
  • Learning to eliminate or relax distractions during sex
  • Learning to love yourself and your body
  • Connecting deeply to yourself, your sensuality, and your soul
  • Learning to communicate what you would like in a positive way
  • Learning non-demand or non-sexual touching
  • Learn new ways of experiencing pleasure
  • Explore fantasies and learn to accept your preferences
  • Explore sex and gender identities
  • Reconciling your past with the present
  • Increasing or enhancing sexual stimulation
  • Learning about anatomy and how to use it to the fullest capabilities
  • Learning consent and the importance of an enthusiastic YES! and NO!
  • Minimizing pain during intercourse or any other type of sexual touch
  • Decreasing shame and guilt
Is talking about sex with a therapist awkward?

Yes, talking about sex with anyone can be awkward, especially with a professional you are just getting to know. However, I am extremely sex positive and I am all for people having the sex life they desire. As long as it is consensual, there is nothing that is off limits. Plus, part of the fun of our work together is getting everything out in the open and for you to see that talking about vaginas and pleasure is not so scary after all!

What are sacred feminine practices?

The sacred feminine is the true feminine created by the earth and cosmos that runs in the DNA of all humans. We are all made up of feminine and masculine energy (sperm and egg) and sacred feminine practices allow us to untangle our thoughts about femininity and masculinity from what has been taught to us in society (aka the patriarchy) and begin to connect to our souls remembrance of the millions of years when we lived in a more matriarchal society. During this time, men and women were held in more equality. Women were revered in society and held very important and sacred roles. This practice of the sacred feminine has been erased in order for patriarchal society to rise and gain control and power. 

Using techniques as simple as lighting candles or incense, grounding ourselves through a guided meditation, listening to our bodies, nourishing our bodies, resting, connecting with nature, journaling about our inner knowings and intuition, using oracle cards, and creating daily practices that allow us to connect deeper with ourselves and our souls are all examples of ways that we can connect to and practice the sacred feminine. 

As I continue to learn and practice the sacred feminine myself, I am beginning to bring more of this into my work with clients as you are comfortable and see fit for your healing journey. 

Are you Kink and BDSM friendly?

Yes! The main criteria I have for clients is to be honest with themselves and their partner(s) about what they need, want, and desire and to have consent. The rest is up to you!

Are you queer/ LGBTQIA+ friendly?

Yes! No matter your identity, sex is an important part of life for all of us. Even for those who identify as asexual, this can still be tricky to navigate in relationships. I am open and here for you no matter who you are or what you identify as, label or no label.

Questions You May Have

Next Steps

Are you ready to start the journey back to CONNECTION, PLEASURE, and EMBODIED SEX?

Are you ready to feel confident in your sexuality and know how to ask for what you want?

Learn new possibilities for your sex life then maybe you even imagined?

If you would like to schedule a FREE 30-minute video consultation to talk about how I can help you achieve the sex you deserve and desire, please click the button bellow!